Webmaker party in Chapainawabganj

In the north of Bangladesh Chapainawabganj is an important district with a really great historical value. The best high school here is Horimohan Govt High School. I’m a proud student of this school.

For a couple of months I’m seeing Noor vi organizing events on Webmaker. I became quite interested. I started talking with him and he agreed to organize one in my school. After getting the permission of school authority we fixed the date to 29 August, 2013. We reached the venue @9AM on the fixed date and hoisted the banner for the event. Then the students who were interested in that event started coming as they were notified about the event two days earlier. Soon we’re out of seat for any new guy. I can still remember that me and one of my friend were standing and enjoying whatever Noor vi was saying. The speech and the presentation was so charming that we two couldn’t realize that we both passed two hours standing!


In the event Noor vi talked about Popcorn Maker and Thimble. The students were really interested in these tools, specially in Popcorn Maker. We, the Mozilla team, had a lot of response from the young people of my school. Many became interested in joining us. Interested people contacted me latter for the tools and how to install them. Some of them went a step further and asked for a complete tutorial.


That was a successful event. Our goal was to make new devs and we did so. I can still remember the crowd screaming for Webmaker t-shirts but we could manage only 3. Hope we’ll get some future contributors from there.
EVENT PHOTOS: http://www.flickr.com/photos/75777140@N06/collections/72157635326849363/

Photo courtesy: Me 😛
Upload courtesy: the one and only Noor vi